Masuk Daftar

the fuel artinya

contoh kalimat "the fuel"
  • But I'm not really concerned about the fuel.
    Tetapi saya tidak khawatir dengan bahan bakar ini.
  • Please, sir, we know about the fuel.
    Tolong, Pak , kita tahu tentang bahan bakar .
  • The boat blew. There was a leak in the fuel line.
    Perahunya meledak Kebocoran bahan bakar..
  • Capable of doubling current supersonic speeds using half the fuel
    Sanggup menggandakan kecepatan supersonik yang sekarang.
  • To the right is fuel gauge. You watch the fuel gauge.
    Meteran bahan bakarnya di kanan.
  • There's power in the fuel cells, we're just not connecting.
    Sel bahan bakarnya tidak bisa terhubung.
  • I recalculated the fuel. It'll cost them nine percent.
    Aku menghitung bensin, bisa menghabiskan 9% nya.
  • The fuel workers refuse to go near the plane.
    Pekerja bahan bakar menolak untuk mendekati pesawat.
  • When the fuel gets here, you can have it.
    jika ada bensin disini kau bisa memilikinya..
  • I put crushed glass in the fuel line.
    Aku memasukkan pecahan kaca di saluran bahan bakar.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5